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John Overall



There are many words and phrases that are peculiar to John; for instance, the double “ verily,” “ excepts.” And “true” things. John’s Gospel is peculiar in itself. Matthew show us Christ as “ King,” Mark as the “Servant,” Luke as the “Man,” and John as the “Life.” This may be traced right through John.

Chapter 1. The Source of life (verse 4).

Chapter 2. The Glory of life (verse 11).

Chapter 3. The Power of life (verse 5).

Chapter 4. The Gift of life (verse 14).

Chapter 5. The Assurance of life (verse 24).

Chapter 6.The Bread of life (verse 48).

Chapter 7. The Blessings of life (verse 38).

Chapter 8. The Liberty of life (verse 36).

Chapter 9. The Testimony of life (verse 37).

Chapter 10. The Security of life (verse 28).

Chapter 11. The Energy of life (verse 43).

Chapter 12. The Union of life (verse 24).

Chapter 13. The Holiness of life (verse 13-15).

Chapter 14. The Hope of life (verse 3).

Chapter 15. The Fruitfulness of life (verse 4).

Chapter 16. The Spirit of life (verse 13).

Chapter 17. The Abode of life (verse 24).

Chapter 18. The Rejection of life (verse 40).

Chapter 19. The Humility of life (verse 17).

Chapter 20. The Peace of life (verse 19).

Chapter 21. The Instructions of life (verse 15).

── F.E. MarshFive Hundred Bible Readings



We will briefly refer to the Scriptures in John’s Gospel where the “ beloved disciple” so mentions himself, as illustrating the attitude and action of love in relation to our Beloved on whom we are leaning—not only upon His arm, but Himself (S.S.8:5).

. Rest of love (13:23).

. Confidence of love (13:25).

. Object of love (18:15).

. Unity of love (18:16).

. Contemplation of love (19:26).

. Obedience of love (19:27).

. Concern of love (20:2).

. Companion of love—zeal (20:3).

. Activity of love (20:4).

. Belief of love (20:8).

. Witness of love (20:25).

. Shap-sightedness of love (21:7).

XIII. Close companionship of love (21:20).

XIV. Wonderful memory of love (21:23).

XV. Testimony of love (21:24).

── F.E. MarshFive Hundred Bible Readings



It would be of interest to look through the Bible and note how active the eyes of the Lord are (11. Chron.26:9). I call attention to the seven times that we read “Jesus saw” in the Gospel by John.

Ⅰ. He saw the anxious enquirers, and bade them come to and with Him (John 1:38).

Ⅱ. He saw the devout worshipper, and commended him ( John 1:47-50).

Ⅲ. He saw the impotent man, and healed him (John 5:6).

Ⅳ. He saw the hungry multitude, and supplied their need (John 6:5).

Ⅴ. He saw the weeping mourners, and was troubled for them (John 11:33).

Ⅵ. He saw the distressed mother, and cared for her (John 19:26).

Ⅶ. He saw the blind man, and revealed Himself as “ The Light of the world” (John 9:1).

── F.E. MarshFive Hundred Bible Readings