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John Chapter Two


I. Content of the Chapter


The Principle of the Manifestation of the Son of God the Savior’s Fullness

A. He turned water to wine (v.1-12) ---- to provide life out of death

B. He cleaned the temple (v.13-17) ---- to remove the earthly wealth

C. He will raise the temple in three days (v.18-22) ---- to reach the fullness by the experience from death to resurrection

D. He did not commit himself unto them (v.6-8) ---- to pay close attention to the real condition of men


II. Verse by Verse commentary


John. 2:1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.

YLT: And the third day a marriage happened in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there,

Literal Meaning: the third day: the third day after Jesus met Philip and Nathanael when He was going forth into Galilee (see 1:43, 49). So then, all the occurrences from John 1:19 to 2:12 happened within one week, and ended with the sign of turning water to wine.

In Cana of Galilee: Cana, located at the north of Nazareth about 14 kilometer away, was the hometown of Nathanael (see 21:2).

The mother of Jesus was there.---- it is generally believed that the mother of Jesus was the relative or good friend of the host of this wedding, and was entrusted with the task of helping to look after the affairs of the feast (see v.3, 5)

Spiritual Meaning: “The third day” typifies the resurrection ---- that He rose again the third day (1Cor 15:4). “Three” also typifies the testimony of the fullness of the divine Trinity.

    “In Cana of Galilee”, “Galilee” is a place despised by others (see 7:52). “Cana” means “a place of reed” in the original, and the reed symbolizes the fragile life (see Is 42:3; Matt 11:7; 12:20).

   A wedding, wedding signifies the continuance of ones life. The feast of wedding typifies the joy and enjoyment of ones life.


John. 2:2 Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding.

YLT: “And also Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage;”

Enlightenment in the Word:

1) Jesus had not only been invited but also he went to the wedding, which proved that: (1) he showed honor to the marriage (see Heb13:4; 1Tim 4:3). (2) He was ready to rejoice with those that rejoiced (see Rom 12:15).

2) Therefore, young brothers, do not forget to invite the Lord with prayer to preside your wedding. A wedding with the presence of the Lord will be greatly distinct from the wedding of the world.


John. 2:3 And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine."

YLT: “And wine having failed, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, `Wine they have not;

Meaning of Words: “ran out of”: lack, (be in) want

The Background: it is the custom for the ancient Jews that a wedding usually last for a whole week, providing feasts every day for those relatives and friends who came for celebration so that they could drink freely and enjoy the wedding feast to the full.

Literal Meaning: someone believed that the mother of Jesus may be the relative or good friend of the host of this wedding. She was entrusted with the responsibility of helping to look after the affairs of the feast, so here she appeared directly to ask the Lord Jesus to help deal with the embarrassed want of wine.

Spiritual Meaning: “they ran out of wine”, “wine”, fermented by the fruit of the vine, symbolizes the joy of life. Therefore, that “they ran out of wine” typifies the end of the joy in one’s natural life.

“The mother of Jesus” typifies the natural man.

“She said to Him, "They have no wine. "”---- It indicates prayer.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1) The joy of a wedding feast depends on the wine. Once the wine falls short, the joy will also run out. This is a true portrayal of the joy of one’s natural life on earth today. No matter how happy, joyful and satisfactory of one’s life on earth is, he will inevitably find his wine running out when he reaches the summit of his life. At the end, everything will turn out to be a vanity.

2) “They ran out of wine”, once a man withdraws from the Lord, he will lose the true and abiding joy.

3) Mary said to the Lord: “they ran out of wine”. Troubles may usually constrain us to come to seek the Lord (see Ps 107:6, 13, 19, 28). We should supplicate the Lord for help when we meet troubles (see Phil 4:6-7; Ps 50:15).

4) Men’s end is the beginning of God. Remember that the Lord is ready to help us when we have no way out.


John. 2:4 Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come."

YLT: “Jesus saith to her, `What -- to me and to thee, woman? Not yet is mine hour come.'”

Literal Meaning: “Woman”, a respectful and intimate call, does not lack of respect.

  “What does your concern have to do with Me?” ---- In the original: “what -- to me and to thee?” This is a Jewish idiomatic phrase, whose real meaning should be confirmed by the context. Here, the Lord refused Mary’s commandment as His mother in the flesh, because such commandment overstepped the Lord’s authority as the Son of God.

  “My hour has not yet come.” ---- “My hour” specially refers to the hour that the Son of man should be glorified by death (see 7:30; 8:20; 12:23, 27; 13:1; 17:1). It is apparent in this chapter that the Lord Jesus did not wait until that hour, so here …….the Father had not instructed Him clearly.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1) The Lord Jesus did not answer what His mother asked. Similarly, He sometimes does not hear our supplication immediately.

2) The Lord is completely free from men’s will, but looks onto and waits for the hour of God (see 7:6, 8).

3) “What does your concern have to do with Me?” ---- The spiritual actions should not be controlled by the natural affection.


John. 2:5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it."

YLT: “His mother saith to the ministrants, `Whatever he may say to you -- do.'”

Meaning of Words: “servants”: ministers, attendants;

Literal Meaning: the response of Mary to the Lord Jesus revealed that she had received the correction of the Lord and known that it should be done by the Lord instead of her.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)  The real servant of the Lord should obey that “whatever He says to you, do it."

2)  It shows that “whatever He does not say to you, do not do it.”


John. 2:6 Now there were set there six water-pots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece.

YLT: “And there were there six water-jugs of stone, placed according to the purifying of the Jews, holding each two or three measures.”

Meaning of Words: “water-pots”: water-jars; “set there”: be laid up, lay;

The Background: “according to the manner of purification of the Jews”: “the manner of purification” means the commandment of the Jewish religious customs (see 3:25; Mark7:3-4). According to the Law of Moses, the priests shall wash their hands and their feet when they came near to the sanctuary to serve (Ex 30:19). However, throughout the history of the Jews, many famous teachers of the law had given additional explanations and extensions for the Law of Moses, extending the commandments toward the priests in the Old Testament to the details of ordinary people’s life. So they should be purified by water before dinner, lest someone may have unconsciously touched unclean things (e.g.: the dead, dead animals and unclean creatures).

Literal Meaning: “containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece”: about 100 liters. There were set there such large quantities of water for the sake of the numerous guests.  

Spiritual Meaning: “according to the manner of purification of the Jews”, the manner of purification of the Jews typifies that the religion tries to purify men by dead works.

  “There were set there six water-pots of stone.” ---- “six water-pots of stone” symbolize the created men, for men were created in the sixth day (see Gen 1:27, 31). “Water” signifies the death.

Enlightenment in the Word:                                   

1) The commandments and customs can only purify men from the outside, but cannot change the dead conditions of men’s inside.

2) The natural men (six water-pots of stone) are filled with death (water). A man without the Lord, like a dead-alive person, lacks the power of doing good works.


John. 2:7 Jesus said to them, "Fill the water-pots with water." And they filled them up to the brim.

YLT: “Jesus saith to them, `Fill the water-jugs with water;' and they filled them -- unto the brim;”

Meaning of Words: “filled them up”: to fill entirely, fill (be) full;

Literal Meaning: “And they filled them up to the brim.” ---- The obedience of the servants was valuable: they did not ask why but soon filled the water-pots to the brim when the Lord said that “fill the water-pots with water”.

Spiritual Meaning: “Fill the water-pots with water”, “water” here symbolizes death (see Gen 1:2, 6; Ex 14:21; Matt 3:16). This is a vivid picture, typifying that men’s inside are entirely filled with death.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)  It is when men are willing to be obedient that the Lord will do signs (see v.9).

2)  Obedience that the Lord commands is a kind of complete obedience (filled them up). If men obey the Lord only a half, the Lord will not give the next commandment.


John. 2:8 And He said to them, "Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast." And they took it.

YLT: “and he saith to them, `Draw out, now, and bear to the director of the apartment;' and they bare.”

Meaning of Words: “draw out”: dip water; “take”: bear, carry, bring forth;

Literal Meaning: “And they took it.” They indeed knew what they took was water (see v.7), but they obeyed and did the Lord’s word without the least hesitation. This is the best example of that “whatever He says to you, do it (v.5).”

Enlightenment in the Word:

1) Faith makes you fix your eyes upon the Lord Himself instead of the circumstance (water). Faith makes you not shake on account of the word of the Lord, although the environment has been not developed as you expected.                                                        

2) All things are possible with God, but if we do not cooperate with Him by “the action of faith”, He will do nothing. The faith of men paves the way for the Almighty God.


John. 2:9 When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom.

YLT: “And as the director of the apartment tasted the water become wine, and knew not whence it is, (but the ministrants knew, who have drawn the water,) the director of the feast doth call the bridegroom,”

Spiritual Meaning: that the water turned to wine signified the transformation from death to life.

Literal Meaning: “when the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine”: so when did the “water” turn to “wine”? Some held that it was when they filled the water-pots up to the brim; some held that it was when they drew out the water; and some held that it was on the way that they took it to the master. Actually, it was unnecessary to guess the exact time, for once “My (the Lord’s) hour came, water had turned to wine”

Controversial Clarification: unexpectedly, the Lord Jesus turned water to wine for men to drink. It seemed that the Lord did not forbid men drinking wine, and He even drank wine also (see Matt11:19). Then, is it suitable to drink wine for Christians? There are several teachings about drinking wine in the New Testament as follows: (1) it teaches us that we should be not drunk with wine, for in which is debauchery (Eph 5:18). There is not an absolute command that we should not drink wine. (2) On the contrary, for the sake of keeping one’s health, it advises us to use a little wine (1Tim 5:23). (3) But the problem is that a man is easy to be addicted to the drinking and to become a man who “indulges in much wine” (1Tim3:8). Therefore, “keeping a distance from wine” can still be regarded as a wise choice.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1) Only the Lord Jesus can reverse the situation completely when the wine runs out in the wedding. Yes, only the Lord Jesus is our real joy in our life. Joy on earth is exhaustible, but joy out of the Lord Jesus is eternal and limitless.

2) When we fall into a hopeless situation, the best way is to surrender yourself more to the Lord and magnify the Lord, thus witnessing that the wealthy Christ will come to deal with all the difficulties and meet the entire need.

     3) The master of the feast did not know where the good wine came from but the servants who had drawn the water knew. Only those who are obedient absolutely will experience and witness the wonderful works of the Lord. If we are willing to obey absolutely, others will then taste good wine from us.


John. 2:10 And he said to him, "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!"

YLT: “and saith to him, `Every man, at first, the good wine doth set forth; and when they may have drunk freely, then the inferior; thou didst keep the good wine till now.'”

Meaning of Words: “the inferior”: smaller, worse; “keep”: hold fast, reserve, watch;

Enlightenment in the Word:

     1) In the world men rejoice first, but suffer later (every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, then the inferior.). However, it is opposite in the Lord: we suffer first, but rejoice later.

     2) The world displays its superior to men first, and entices men to be enslaved to it. At first, they taste it good, but they will increasingly find that things on the earth are not really good as they imagined before.

     3) When the master of the feast had tasted the water which was made wine by Jesus, he immediately discovered that the wine before was the inferior. Moreover, the one after was good wine. Similarly, when we have fellowship with the Lord, we will always enjoy His great fullness and sweetness, and how surpassingly better it tastes than the transient pleasure on earth.

     4) Jesus Christ is the new wine which has kept until now. Men had never tasted the good wine before He came and dwelt among us. Life of Christians will become better and better.

     5) Once a man receives Jesus Christ into his life, he will instantly experience the transition from a dull, boring, monotonous, unmeaningful and purposeless life to another fresh, rich, vigorous, prospering and meaningful life.


John. 2:11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.

YLT: “This beginning of the signs did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him;”

Meaning of Words: “sign”: miracle, sign, token, wonder; “manifest”: appear, manifestly declare, render apparent;

Literal Meaning: “This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee”  ---- Note the three words: (1) “dynamic”, e.g.Matt11:20-23, means the great power of God. (2) “Miracle”, e.g. Acts 2:19, means a prodigy or omen. (3) “Sign”, e.g. John 2:11, means an indication from God.

  The Book of John only used the third word “sign” to indicate God’s works (see v.23; 3:2; 4:54; 6:2, 14, 26, 30; 7:31; 9:16; 10:41; 11:47; 12:18, 37; 20:30). The word “sign” focused on the important significance hid behind the works by the Lord rather than on the apparent miraculous phenomenon.

  “This beginning of signs” suggests that every sign did by the Lord Jesus was a token to reveal that He is God (see 1:1b).

  “And manifested His glory”, “glory” is employed to describe the presence of God (see Ex 24:16), so “manifested His glory” means “manifested His divinity of God”.

Enlightenment in the Word: this was not only the beginning of signs which indicated the glory of Christ; but also the beginning of tokens (the original of “signs”) which revealed the glorious Christ.


John. 2:12 After this He went down to Capernaum, He, His mother, His brothers, and His disciples; and they did not stay there many days.

YLT: “after this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples; and there they remained not many days.”

Meaning of Words: “stay”: remain

Literal Meaning: “He, His mother, and His brothers”: we can easily see that the brothers of Jesus had also attended the wedding in Cana. It only mentioned the mother and brothers of Jesus here, and it was possible that Joseph was dead at that time (see Mark 6:3 where Joseph was not mentioned), but His sisters had already been married (see Matt 13:56).

  “Went down to Capernaum”, the use of “went down” was because of the higher topographic feature of Cana (v. 1). “Capernaum” was the base area of the ministry of the Lord Jesus in Galilee (see Matt 4:13).


John. 2:13 Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

YLT: “after this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples; and there they remained not many days.”

The Background: “the Passover”, one of the three feasts of the Jews every year, is purposed to remember that God delivered their patriarchs out of Egypt. Almost every godly Jewish adult will go to Jerusalem to have the feast during the Passover.

Literal Meaning: “Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand”, the Book of John usually describes the actions of the Lord Jesus in the background of the feast of the Jews (see 5:1; 7:10-11, 14, and 37; 12:1).

  “Jesus went up to Jerusalem.” ---- On account of the higher topographic feature of Jerusalem than Capernaum, the author used “went up” here.


John. 2:14 And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business.

YLT: “and he found in the temple those selling oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the money-changers sitting,”

The Background: at that time, businessmen were allowed by the priests in the Holy Temple to do business in the outer court of the Gentiles and sell oxen, sheep and doves which would be used in the offering and sacrifices. In addition, the Holy Temple did not collect Greek or Roman coins, so the Jews should use the appointed Hebrew coins (see Ex 30:13-15) when they paid the tax of the temple and tribute and offered their offerings. Therefore, there were money changers who brought convenience to those foreign pilgrims. It seemed apparently right about these commercial conducts, but they actually carried critical crises as below: (1) the buying and selling in the areas of the Holy Temple would defile the divine places. (2) The right of worshipping God of the Gentiles would be deprived of when the business occupied the outer court of the Gentiles. (3) The priests colluded with the businessmen ---- the priests supply much convenience to the businessmen (e.g. the priests had only loose and careless check of the sacrifices, and even the sacrifices with blemish were regarded as qualified ones), and the business profited in high price ---- and then, the priests and the businessmen divided the extortionate profits.

Literal Meaning: “And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves”, “the temple”, “the sacred place of God” in the original, contains the temple itself, and the sides thereof round about, and the whole areas of the court. “In the temple” refers to the court which is open to the Gentiles for their worshipping.

  “Doves” were presented as sacrifices for the poor (see Lev12:8; 14:22; 15:14, 29)


John. 2:15 When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers' money and overturned the tables.

YLT: “And having made a whip of small cords, he put all forth out of the temple, also the sheep, and the oxen; and of the money-changers he poured out the coins, and the tables he overthrew,”

Literal Meaning: all the other three Gospels recorded that the occurrence that the Lord Jesus cleaned the temple several days before His Crucifixion (see Matt 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45-46), but it was recorded only not long after His public ministration in this book. Perhaps the Lord had cleaned the temple twice, so the temple was called “My Father's house” in the first time (v.16), for He cleaned the temple in the position of the Son of God. And in the second time it was called “My House”, for He cleaned the temple in the position of the son of David ---- the Messiah.

  “And poured out the changers' money and overturned the tables”, “table”, the same word as “bank” (see Luke19:23) in the original, is a word transformed from the “four-foot table”, which still can be seen at the entrance of the bank in Greece.

Spiritual Meaning: the temple of God is a habitation of God in Spirit (Eph 2:21-22), but now there is a group of men who do business in the temple and suppose that goodness is a means of gain (1Tim6:5). That the Lord cleaned the Holy Temple contains several meanings as follows: (1) He is the Messiah who possesses the authority. (2) Only through Him we can obtain the access to the Father. (3) The people of God should cut down the wrong relations with the old traditions. (4) God rests only in the pure spirit of His people.

Enlightenment in the Word:

     1) If we are ready to be reigned by the Lord within, all the filth, impurity and sins will be cleaned out by Him.

     2) The Lord shall have no pleasure in us if we earn money through any spiritual things (change the money) or quench the Holy Spirit (sell doves) etc.

     3) When Christ appears, there will be both the provision of resurrection---- turning water to wine, and solemn separation---- cleaning the Holy Temple. If the assembly suffers the shortage of spiritual provision and is also mingled with affairs concerning men’s own profit and earthly wealth, it will be an suggestion that the assembly had sheerly lost the reality of Christ.


John. 2:16 And He said to those who sold doves, "Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!"

YLT: “and to those selling the doves he said, `Take these things hence; make not the house of my Father a house of merchandise.'”

Spiritual Meaning: “doves” typifies the Holy Spirit (see 1:32).

Enlightenment in the Word:

     1) A believer’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (dove). The Holy Spirit dwells in us to be our master rather than to be used to make gains by us.

     2) Someone boasts of his superior gifts of Spirit, like sells doves, but it is not unacceptable to the Lord.


John. 2:17Then His disciples remembered that it was written, "Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up."

YLT: “And his disciples remembered that it is written, `The zeal of Thy house did eat me up;'”

Meaning of Words: “zeal”: fervent mind, jealousy; “eat up”: devour, eat down;

Literal Meaning: His disciples remembered”, the word “remember” was mostly used to record the disciples’ reaction after the resurrection of the Lord, and they remembered and understood the Lord’s life (see v.22; 12:16; 14:26).

  "Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up." ---- It is quoted from the Book of Psalms (69:9).

Enlightenment in the Word:

      1) When the disciples saw the Lords works, they remembered the words written in the Scripture. It tells us that: (1) what the Lord did was exactly in line with the principle of the Holy Bible; (2) Once Christ has manifested His works, words in the Bible will be interpreted for us.

     2) We should often try to associate things we are suffering with the words in the Bible. And if we want to remember words written in the Bible, we should read the Bible diligently in our daily life.

     3) God delivered us to be His house and His resting place. Since we believers have already become the house of God, we should on longer give place to the earthly wealth. Instead, we should often pray to God and commune with Him.

     4) If we have only a form of piety but deny the power of it, the Lord will be also zealous for us.


John. 2:18 So the Jews answered and said to Him, "What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?""

YLT: “the Jews then answered and said to him, `What sign dost thou shew to us -- that thou dost these things?'”

Literal Meaning: You do these things”, “these things” refer to that Jesus cleaned the temple.


John. 2:19 Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."

YLT: “Jesus answered and said to them, `Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up.'”

Meaning of Words: “destroy”: dissolve;

Literal Meaning: Destroy this temple”, “temple” is “sanctuary” in the original, which is different from the “temple” in verse 14.

Spiritual Meaning: “And in three days I will raise it up”, it typifies the body of the Lord Jesus, because he will be raised again the third day. (Matt 16:21).


John. 2:20 Then the Jews said, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?"

YLT: “The Jews, therefore, said, `Forty and six years was this sanctuary building, and wilt thou in three days raise it up?'”

The Background:It has taken forty-six years to build this temple”, “the temple” refers to the house of Jehovah built by Zerubbabel (Ezra3:8). After the house was destroyed, around 20 BC, Herod the Great built the house again to fawn on the Jews. When the Lord Jesus began to minister publicly, the house had been built for 46 years and had not been finished yet. We know from the record of the Jewish historian Joseph that the whole house was completed in 64 AD. The house boasted its magnificence and grandness: some of the marbles even extended as long as more than ten meters and was also decorated with giant golden ornaments. How great the brilliance and resplendence was! 


John. 2:21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body.

YLT: “but he spake concerning the sanctuary of his body;”

Spiritual Meaning: we can see from this verse that: (1) the words of the Lord Jesus often carried profound spiritual significance; (2) the Lord Jesus was speaking of the temple of His body and prophesying that he be raised again the third day; (3) it typified that Christ would take place of the substantial sacrifices of the Holy Temple and the atonement system.

Enlightenment in the Word:

     1) The temple which Jesus will raise up in three days is His body, which refers not only His own body, but also His mysterious body and His fullness ---- the church (see Eph 1:23). The most profound meaning of His resurrection is to reach His fullness, which is also the deepest significance of our experiences of the resurrection.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

     2) Although the substantial temple was destroyed, the invisible temple will be raised again. Whoever has the Lord abiding in him, he is the real Holy Temple.


John. 2:22 Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said.

YLT: “when, then, he was raised out of the dead, his disciples remembered that he said this to them, and they believed the Writing, and the word that Jesus said.”

Enlightenment in the Word:

     1) When we read the Bible, we often did not know the meaning of the Scriptures. But through many spiritual experiences later, some words of the Scriptures will give light all at once (Ps119:130).

     2) We should let the words of the Christ dwell in us richly in our daily life (see Col 3:16). If necessary, the word will become our help.


John. 2:23 Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did.

YLT: “And as he was in Jerusalem, in the Passover, in the feast, many believed in his name, beholding his signs that he was doing;”

Meaning of Words: “believe in”: commit, entrust, and put in trust with.

Literal Meaning: many believed in His name”: the name represents the one himself, so “believed in His name” means believed into the Lord Jesus Himself (see 1:12).


John. 2:24 But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men,

YLT: “and Jesus himself was not trusting himself to them, because of his knowing all,”

Meaning of Words: “commit”: believe in, entrust;

Enlightenment in the Word:

     1) If the faith of men comes from the apparent miracles which the Lord does, such faith is superficial. The Lord can not commit Himself to the one who has only superficial faith.

   2) “”Commit” (v.24) and “believe in (v.23)” are the same word in the original. It shows us that the Lord’s “committing” is on the basis of our “believing in”. If we “put our trust in” Him like His “committing” to men, he then will also commit Himself to us.

   3) That the Lord did not commit Himself to men tells us the absolute authority of the Lord. He chose men as His vessels and give commissions to men, but he did not commit Himself to anyone, for He knew no one was perfectly reliable. Therefore, when the church fell into the black desolations, the angels who represented the spiritual reality of the assembly were still held within His authoritative right hand (see Rev 1:20; 2:1). Praise the Lord! His way will never be crooked!


John. 2:25 and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.

YLT: “and because he had no need that any should testify concerning man, for he himself was knowing what was in man.”

Literal Meaning: the real faith does not need to prove by announcement, but is manifested in one’s heart toward the Lord. He knows clearly what really is in one’s heart.


III. Outlines of the Spiritual Lessons


I. The Sign of Turning Water to Wine

   A. The condition of one’s natural life:

1. In Cana of Galilee (v.1a) ---- the natural life of men is low (Galilee) and fragile (Cana).

2. A wedding feast (v.1b) …when they ran out of wine (v.3a) ---- although there is joy (wedding) in one’s natural life, it is limited.

3. According to the manner of purification of the Jews (v.6a) ---- one’ natural life is bound by the customs and formalities

4. There were set there six water-pots of stone…containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece (v.6b) ---- man was created to be a vessel, yet men without God was filled with vanities, dullness and death.

5. The feast set out only the inferior wine (v.10b) ---- the enjoyment in one’s natural life is transient and is the inferior.


 B. the Lord Jesus is the one who changes one’s life

1. The third day (v.1a)…both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding (v.2) ---- the Lord who had been raised (the third day) humbled Himself and came into our life.

2. He turned water to wine (v.9) ---- he transformed our dull and dead life into another enjoyable and flesh life.

3. The wine turned by Him “good wine” (v.10) ---- the joy of life granted by the Lord is the best one.


 C. How to obtain and experience the grace of the Lord?

1. The mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine." (v.3b) ---- To tell the Lord the facts of one’s life (prays or prays for others)

2. My hour has not yet come (v.4b). ---- To commit to the Lord and let the Lord do according to His will

3. Whatever He says to you, do it (v.5). ---- To obey the instruction and guidance of the Lord

4. Jesus said to them …and they filled them up to the brim. And He said to themand they took it (v.7-8). ---- To obey absolutely, unreasonably and to obey till the end

5. And manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him (v.11). ---- You can understand the being of the Lord from His works of grace, thus increasing your faith toward Him.

6. He went down to Capernaum, He, His mother, His brothers, and His disciples; and they did not stay there many days (v.12) ---- To maintain the life of abiding with the Lord


II. The Occasion of God’s Signs

  A. They ran out of the wine (v.3a) ---- Men’s end is the beginning of God. If a man has his own methods, God will do nothing.

  B. "They have no wine." (v.3b) ---- This is a prayer. God does nothing for a man until he begins to pray.

  C. My hour has not yet come. (v.4) ---- Although a man prays, he should still wait for the hour of God patiently.

  D. "Whatever He says to you, do it." (v.5) ---- Men should obey and cooperate with God in God’s works.

  E. Jesus said to them …and they filled them up to the brim. And He said to themand they took it (v.7-8). ---- God guides men step by step: if men cooperate with obedience when God firstly gives an order, God will give another order.

  F. You have kept the good wine until now! (v.10) ---- God reserves the best wine for those who obey Him.


III. Full of Grace and Truth

  A. On the third day (V.1) ---- “Three” refers to the fullness of God’s testimony.

  B. Jesus was invited to the wedding (v.2) ---- The Lord likes to grant grace to men and rejoices with others together.

  C. They ran out of wine (v.3) ---- It indicates the destitution and vanity of men.

  D. My hour has not yet come (v.4). ---- Men should magnify the Lord and surrender all to Him.

E. Whatever He says to you, do it (v.5). ---- Obey in faith is the key to be blessed.

F. There were set there six water-pots of stone (v.6) ---- Men was originally a vessel to be filled with the grace of God, however the vessel became vain and needy.

G. "Fill the water-pots with water." And they filled them up to the brim (v.7). ---- It shows that what is filled in men is not life but death.

H. Draw some out now (v.8). ---- Once the salvation of the Lord comes, men will be abundantly filled with His fullness.

I. The water that was made wine (v.9) ---- The moment the Lord enters our life, death changes into life and dullness turns into joyfulness.

J. You have kept the good wine until now (v.10)! ---- Only those who have tasted the good wine of the salvation can understand the sweetness therein.

K. And manifested His glory (v.11) ---- Manifested the fullness of His grace and truth

L.  And His disciples believed in Him (v.11) ---- All the believers are the witnesses of His grace and truth.     


IV. Life and Building

  A. The Lord comes to be men’s life in the resurrection:

     1. The Lord came to the world in the resurrection (on the third day) (v.1-2)

     2. The enjoyment of men’s own had its limitation and end ---- they ran out of the wine (v.3)

     3. The reason is that our life was once full of dead water of life (v.6-7)

     4. The Lord will do signs in those who believe into and obey Him, and will transform death into life (v.5-9).

     5. The new life bestowed by the Lord is the sweet and good wine, and only those who have tasted know it (v.9-10).


  B. This is the beginning of signs Jesus did (v.11)

     1. The Lord turned death into life ---- this is a principle that He does works in us.

     2. The Lord is purposed to manifest His glory in those who believe in Him.

  C. The aim of life is to build the Temple of God

     1. When the believers remember the salvation of the Lord (the Passover), the Lord will enter those who are of Him (v.13).

     2. The Lord reminded us that we were once the House of God, but were defiled by earthly wealth (v.14).

     3. The Lord cleans the believers and the church with bands of kindness and cords of love (v.15-16).

     4. The Lord shows zeal for house of God, and the zeal has eaten Him up (v.17).

     5. The purpose of the enemies is to destroy the House of God (v.18-19a).

     6. However, the Lord will build it again by His life of resurrection ---- in three days I will raise it up (v.19b-22).

     7. The temple which the Lord will build refers to the upright and faithful believers and the church that the Lord can commit Himself to (v.23-25).


── Caleb HuangChristian Digest Bible Commentary Series

   Translated by Mary Zhou